Duo Single Sign-On

Duo Single Sign-On (SSO) lets you sign in once to access your organization's different applications, instead of entering your login information for each application. After you sign in, you'll complete Duo two-factor authentication, then return to the original application as a logged-in user.

Supported Browsers

Duo Single Sign-On supports Chrome (Desktop and Mobile), Firefox, Safari (Desktop and Mobile), Edge, and Internet Explorer. Not all browsers support all Duo authentication methods, so for the widest compatibility we recommend Chrome.

Check the table below for supported browser versions.

Browser Minimum Supported
Chrome 38
Safari 9
Firefox 47
Edge 17
Internet Explorer 11

While other browsers may work with Duo Single Sign-On, Duo actively tests and supports the browsers and minimum versions listed in the table.

Log in with Duo Single Sign-On

When you access an application that uses Duo Single Sign-On, it redirects you from that application to Duo's service. SSO applications are typically cloud apps, like Salesforce or Office 365.

If your organization uses its own identity provider to verify your login information, you'll be sent there to enter your username and password information, then sent back to Duo Single Sign-On to complete Duo two-factor authentication.

If your organization uses Duo to verify your login information you'll see the Duo Single Sign-On login page. Enter your username on the Duo Single Sign-On login page and click Next.

Duo Single Sign-On Username

Next, enter your password when prompted and click Log in.

Duo Single Sign-On Password

Finally, complete Duo two-factor authentication (or enroll your first device). Depending on your organization's configuration, you may see the new Duo Universal Prompt or the Duo traditional prompt.

Universal Prompt Traditional Prompt
Duo Push in Universal Prompt Duo Push in Traditional Prompt

After that you'll be logged into the original application. When you access another application that uses Duo Single Sign-On you won't need to enter your username and password again (since you already entered it when you logged in to the first application).

You may need to complete Duo authentication again when accessing other SSO applications, depending on how your administrator configured the application. If you see a Remember me... or Trust this browser... option from Duo, check that box to skip the Duo prompt when you launch additional SSO applications.

Do not trust the browser when using a public or shared computer! This could leave your Duo session available to other users. Trust the browser only when you access applications from your own computer.

Remembered Device in Universal Prompt Remembered Device in Traditional Prompt
Remember Device Option in Universal Prompt Remember Me Option in Traditional Prompt

Passwordless Login for Duo SSO

If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless sign-in for SSO then you will see either a notification that you can log in without a password in the future, or a prompt to begin passwordless setup. See the Duo Passwordless documentation for more information and setup instructions.

Automatic Passwordless Registration Interactive Passwordless Registration
Automatic Passwordless Setup Start Duo Passwordless Setup

Password Resets

You may be able to change your login password from Duo Single Sign-On when it expires or ahead of password expiration. Contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk to find out which password reset options are available to you.

Reset Password

You can update your current account password when logging in to Duo Single Sign-On if your organization allows it. To do so, click the Need help? link shown on the Duo SSO login page before you enter your username and password, and then click the link for resetting your password.

Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Link

Enter your current password and continue to the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.

Duo Single Sign-On Verify Password for Reset

Enter your current password and then enter and confirm your new password. Make sure to review your organization's password requirements shown on the page before you enter the new password. Click Submit to perform the password reset.

Duo Single Sign-On Reset Password

If your password reset succeeds click Continue to proceed.

Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Success

If your password reset attempt didn't succeed, make sure that you entered your current password correctly, that you typed the same new password into both spaces provided, and that your new password meets the password requirements shown on the reset page. You can try resetting your password again without repeating Duo two-factor authentication.

Password Expiration Warning

Your organization might warn you ahead of time when the password you use to log into Duo Single Sign-On will expire. After you enter your current password you'll see a message telling you how many days you have before it expires. Click Reset password if you want to change it now, or click Skip for now to continue logging in without changing your password.

If you skip changing your password then you'll see the warning again next time you log into Duo Single Sign-On with your password until it expires.

Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Link

If you do choose to reset your password now, you'll see the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.

Enter your current password and then enter and confirm your new password. Make sure to review your organization's password requirements shown on the page before you enter the new password. Click Submit to perform the password reset.

Duo Single Sign-On Reset Password

If your password reset succeeds click Continue to proceed.

Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Success

If your password reset attempt didn't succeed, make sure that you entered your current password correctly, that you typed the same new password into both spaces provided, and that your new password meets the password requirements shown on the reset page. You can try resetting your password again without repeating Duo two-factor authentication.

If you continue to have issues resetting your expired password, contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk.

Reset Expired Password

You can update your expired account password when logging in to Duo Single Sign-On if your organization allows it. If your password has expired, you'll see a notification on the login page after you enter your current password.

You need to complete Duo authentication before you can reset your password. Click Verify identity to begin. You'll see the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.

Duo Single Sign-On Password Expired

After you complete Duo verification, click Reset my password to continue.

Duo Single Sign-On Identity Verified

Enter your current expired password and then enter and confirm your new password. Make sure to review your organization's password requirements shown on the page before you enter the new password. Click Submit to perform the password reset.

Duo Single Sign-On Reset Password

If your password reset succeeds click Continue to proceed.

Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Success

If your password reset attempt didn't succeed, make sure that you entered your current password correctly, that you typed the same new password into both spaces provided, and that your new password meets the password requirements shown on the reset page. You can try resetting your password again without repeating Duo two-factor authentication.

If you continue to have issues resetting your expired password, contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk.